More about Stoms

This appears to be the handy work of one Paul Stoms, a self proclaimed bishop with doubtful orders or lines of Apostolic Succession. He likes his titles such as "General" and attacks valid clergy in a manner inconsistant with being a clergyman.

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Stoms claimed decree

E-mail message

Date: Tue, Oct 12, 2004, 6:28pm (CDT+1)
Subject: Excommunication/Dishonorable Discharge

The Holy United Orthodox Catholic and Apostolic Church

Order of Saint Gregory, (German~American Rite)

Saint Gregory Chapel


Be it known to all and singular to whom this writing may come:

On various divers dates December 21st.- 31st. 1997 VICTOR PRENTICE of Mountain View Arkansas, formerly Ohio, was DISHONORABLY DISCHARGED from the UNITED CHAPLAIN'S SERVICE and simultaneously was excommunicated from THE HOLY UNITED ORTHODOX CATHOLIC AND APOSTOLIC CHURCH for direct defiance of orders from the Commander-In-Chief General Paul II Stoms, D.D., Oth.D., Ph.D. Who, in his authority as C-In-C has proclaimed VICTOR PRENTICE no longer able to fulfill his function with the UNITED CHAPLAIN'S SERVICE. These orders are irrevocable and shall remain enforced until such a time as he is no longer living.

General Paul II Stoms, D.D.,Oth.D.,Ph.D.
Commander In Chief, UCS/United Orthodox Church


c.c. File

[NOTE: Stoms shows his desire to be part of this Church just above with the CC:THUOCAC. We originally had to contact him and demand he cease claiming to be THEOCACNA when he was in NJ prior to his arrest for running a diploma mill.]